17 May, 2007

Control of the ball

The secret of playing consistent golf is gaining control of the ball. This can be achieved easily if a golfer uses only 70% power and not his full strength. As a golfer gains confidence and control of the ball he may increase power progressively up to a maximum of 90%.
Do not try to increase distance by increasing power. Simply use a longer club and hitting the ball in the same way as always, using the same power, same grip, same swing, same set up every time. Let the club decide the distance.

Do not increase power in order to get more distance. Change the club to a smaller number (longer shaft and steeper face angle). The difference in ball distance between irons is around 10 metres.
Last week I tried out a 6, 7 and 8 irons at a park at the lake side. The balls all landed around roughly the same spot; but the ball hit with a longer iron rolled further after landing. From the 100M mark I usually use an 8 iron for the green. That means I will use a 7 iron from around 110M and a 6 iron from 120M.

I noticed that all my balls landed in roughly the same spot but rolling 10M further with the next longer iron. Of course there are other variables to consider, like the condition of the fairways, lie, bounce, wind direction etc. All these variables are outside our control; but we can certainly control the power we use for hitting the ball.
Many golfers are surprised that a ball hit with 70% power usually goes further than one hit with 100%. The first one goes straight down the fairway, and keeps on rolling on and on. Whereas the other one goes a long way into the bush, or hit a tree and cannot roll any further. The logic is simple: There ain't no trees in the middle of the fairways. Keep your ball on the fairway, always.

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